Australian Mediation Service

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Organization Name:
Australian Mediation Service

Private Mediation Service - Danny Jovica 
Nationally Accredited Mediator

I am a qualified mediator under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS), registered with the Australian Mediator Standards Board (MSB), who are the regulator of the Mediation profession in Australia and hold their members to stringent codes of conduct.

My training has been through the Australian Mediation Association (AMA), a recognised mediator accreditation body (RMAB) who have certified that I am qualified to the highest Australian standards in Mediation, I am also completing my fourth year of a bachelor of laws at Deakin University.

I am also the Chairman of the Australian Paralegal Foundation, a registered Charity with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission) with over 3500 members, we provide legal information to Australians to help improve their understanding of the law and their legal rights and responsibilities.

I offer online mediation facilities that are user friendly even for those who are not tech-savvy, where a simple link is provided to the parties and they can click “join” to enter a secure mediation conference system.

As a facilitative mediator my knowledge and experience should reflect to the parties an unbiased, neutral third party who is educated, knowledgeable in field of the dispute, from both experience and understanding of the law, therefore as a person, they can have confidence in my absolute impartiality in the process and my ability to mediate the subject matter disputed.



Danny Jovica
The Mediator
Ph: (03) 9005 7686
Mobile : 0451 774 766
Email :
Website :      


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