Comment to 'Case Study : Sargent & Selwyn : The Mother of all Family Law cases, Epic case of two obsessive intelligent parents.'
  • I am also in the same situation as above was primary caregiver for a year without any orders was going fine. Ex had moved out saw kids when he wanted or when I iniated as he had not had much contribution our whole relationship of ten years the relationship was toxic with emotional and financial and the last year or two it was physical abuse once I  began seeing someone and he took kids he then changed locks whilst I was out and called police claiming I assaulted him yet I had the bruises I got a move on notice with only the clothes I had. Whilst in a hotel I then received a FVO including the children and had to appeal by the time the appeal came and evidence of texts of the abuse I was getting and events made the magistrate apologise I was issued court notices ex parte for full custody claiming I was abusive I had a drug problem and my new partner bashed all his g/f . I am now over a year have interim orders for 5 nights ex doesn't comply threatens me I have had police do welfare checks numerous times and arrested once they now are at the point of apologizing as soon as I open the door as they have to act. His lawyer continually sends letters to mine of events that happened that I have threatened that my partner has assaulted people and I have drug charges in NSW all that can be proved with solid evidence to be false accusations. My 10 year old son is emotional and it has had a huge affect on him as his dad and family are using them and alienating my whole family to punish me all again evidence through texts and statements to police that are found to be false. My lawyer has changed in the firm I am using wasn't even notified and have been asking for two months for itemised account as most of what I thought was lodged in court has not been. Family court has made my ex have control over my life and given him another opportunity to emotionally abuse me. I am at a stage where I have to do what I can to help my kids from being manipulated and scared to say or do anything that may upset him because then they are yelled at and made to feel like they will have nothing and noone if they want to see me so DCP is my only other option in rural WA. If the magistrate won't or hadn't time to look at evidence and my ex lawyer stands up with more allegations each time and mine says nothing then how can I make someone talk to my children as it's not about me or him it is about them! I certainly am for change and before being in this situation would have thought anyone who told this story was making it up  as no other platform are you guilty before proving innocent 

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