This is typical American style over litigation coming to Australia.
I suffered life changing injuries in an horrific car accident in Melbourne in 1988, and the Transport Accident Act, 1986, changed the definition of severe injuries to reflect the American Medical Association Scale of Disabilities, so that you could only sue at common law if you had 30% total body disability. I shattered my right wrist, right humerous that required a portion of my hip and a plate, dislcoated my right should to behind my back, crushed my nose, broke my left cheek and jaw, lost two teeth, some short term memory, a compression fracture of C5/6, and pulled all the msucles from my waste up, and received 12% total body disability.
In this case, motor vehicle third party insurance will cover all passengers, regardless of the state of the car, and in WA, the driver is covered in a single vehicle accident if suffering significant injuries.
This is the first time a driver has been hit with such costs, and will set a precedent in Australia if Berkshire Hathaway wins this case.