QNA Questions

For a limited time our Basic and Premium members will be entitled to post a QNA question or two per month. 

With our Basic membership which is $5 per month, you are entitled to one free QNA per month.

With our Premium membership which is $10 per month, you are entitled to two.

What's the difference between a regular POST on FLAST, a DISCUSSION and a QNA I hear you ask?  

Well a regular post is sort of like a news post on FB, if someone sees it and is interested in commenting they might, but the comment will be quite generic in nature.  

If you have a GENERAL question about the law that you would like to raise in DISCUSSION's then that is where we will look as a priority as those discussions form a repository of information to benefit all members understanding on that general subject of law.

If however you have specific questions that relate more directly to what you are experiencing then they should be asked in the QNA section and this is where you can expect to see very detailed answers, researched with supporting case law and legislation and/or regulations and most often answered by legal professionals, practicing lawyers, nationally accredited mediators, psychologists and counsellors and other related professionals depending on the nature of the question.  

It is those types of QUESTIONS and ANSWERS we are talking about here and if you exceed your limit of one or two per month depending on your membership status, if you still have more questions you can purchase them here. 

Each question is $25.00 a small price to pay for a little peace of mind and reassurance.  

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